BGF part of “Pursuing Integrity-driven and Sustainable Administration Reforms in the Western Balkans” conference

13 June 2022

Tirana - 7th - 8th of June, Fjolla Qorri, Research Assistant at the Balkan Green Foundation (BGF), participated in the conference 'Pursuing Integrity-driven and sustainable administration reforms in the Western Balkans' hosted by IMD Albania and EU WeBER partners.

The event aimed to foster the dialogue between civil society and institutional stakeholders to design and implement inclusive and transparent policies, as well as contribute to the sustainability of citizen-centered administrative reforms.

The conference gathered project partner organizations to present results from the monitoring of PAR Principles Mainstreaming in the Sectoral Policies in the Western Balkans. Balkan Green Foundation shared results of the monitoring of the budget (PFM) in the energy sector, focusing on the Ministry of Economy. Three elements encountered during the research were: 1. Kosovo's overall trajectory in the Public Financial Management shows improvement; 2. There is a general lack of sector-specific budgetary information online for the energy sector. The budget for the energy sector is not published on the Ministry of Economy's website (only on the website of the Ministry of Finance; and 3. A better alignment between the strategic objectives and capital expenditures or programs needs to take place.